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Transmarina del Perú is a company with industrial facilities in Paracas, Province of Pisco, Department of Ica, Peru. We operate an industrial complex of hydrobiological processes for human consumption, with canning and freezing lines, as well as facilities for the landing of artisanal fish. It is projected to process 12,000 MT per year of different species, such as Tuna, Giant Squid, Anchovy, among other resources that abound in the area. Our refrigerated warehouses have a capacity of 4,500 MT.


Values and identity

We are committed to the economic, social and environmental development of the Region; we promote a policy of social responsibility, the basis of which is our Integrated Management System. We practice productive efficiency with honesty, loyal commitment and constructive entrepreneurial spirit.

Corporate Social Responsibility

We have 300 employees, of which 75% are women, a key link in the processing of tuna, because of the precision, hygiene and safety required to clean the fish. We invest in adequate infrastructure and programs to guarantee the health of our employees.


To lead the fishing industry for human consumption, offering nutrition to Peru and the world through a production that ensures the sustainable use of fishing and aquaculture resources transformed into food, articulating the benefit of our customers, workers and shareholders with the protection of the environment.


To be a company recognized for its contribution to food security, by innovate in products and processes, as well as for its solid relationship with its workers and society by applying the principles of continuous improvement.

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